America Needs Its Workforce
The nation relies on trained workforce-ready personnel who are driven to become part of our growing economy.
Our intent is to be an integral component in developing this new workforce of viable, educated and dedicated workers.
It’s all about thriving in today’s U.S. economy, not just surviving!
We want to partner up with trade schools, business schools and industries who are looking for workers in these centers:

Continuing Education
Connecticut used to be at the very top of virtually every economic test. Today the economy in Connecticut is very much dependent on new companies coming into the state. The only way we are going to entice these new companies is to provide them with adequate workers and staffing capabilities to draw from – a pool of positive talent who are trained and ready to work in their chosen industry. This is all about preparing the workers of today.
Job Training
Workforce Training Center is partnering up with existing and new industries to offer unique, brand new training space for our future workforce! Whether it’s automotive, culinary, hospitality…any number of professions can be chosen.

Remedial Training
Many people start a job today without basic knowledge. We see it as mission-critical to open doors and allow people to develop skill sets to move from a minimum wage job into a valuable career.